How Many Bananas Does It Take to Poison You?
Thursday February 19, 2009
Thursday February 19, 2009
You probably know too much water and too many apple or cherry seeds can kill you, but did you know eating too many bananas may lead to an early demise? It's not their high radiation signature. It's because bananas contain potassium. But wait, you may be saying, isn't potassium good for me? It is, but like everything else, too much potassium is bad for you. Too much potassium can lead to heart damage and cardiac arrest. I was reminded of that when reading about an upcoming attempt to set a new world record for eating bananas. Apparently the world record effort has been scaled back so that it involves more people eating bananas and not people eating as many bananas as possible. The reason for the change was to prevent health problems or death from over-eating bananas. I couldn't help but wonder exactly how many bananas you would have to eat in order to ingest a dangerous amount of potassium. I mean... what are we talking about here? Three bananas? Ten? I have a friend who ate 7 bananas as part of some weird man-challenge. He isn't dead and didn't go into cardiac arrest, but he assures me that is nearing the upper limit of banana-eating. How many bananas do you think it takes to poison you with potassium?